--[[ Youtube playlist importer for VLC media player 1.1 and 2.0 Copyright 2012 Guillaume Le Maout Authors: Guillaume Le Maout Contact: http://addons.videolan.org/messages/?action=newmessage&username=exebetche This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. --]] --[[ MODified by Kai Gillmann, 19.01.2013, kaigillmann@googlemail.com: VLC HAS already a youtube importer, but not for playlists. IMO this mentioned one is better than this one, because it opens the video in the best possible video resolution. So i decided to remove all parts of the code which is not responsible for list handling. Now this lua script parses the list, as wanted, but for each video opened, the vlc default Youtube script is used, so the videos will be displayed properly. --]] -- Helper function to get a parameter's value in a URL function get_url_param( url, name ) local _, _, res = string.find( url, "[&?]"..name.."=([^&]*)" ) return res end -- Probe function. function probe() if vlc.access ~= "http" and vlc.access ~= "https" then return false end return string.match(vlc.path:match("([^/]+)"),"%w+.youtube.com") and string.match(vlc.path, "list=") and string.match(vlc.path, "action_get_list") == nil end -- Parse function. function parse() if string.match( vlc.path, "list=" ) then local playlist_parsed, playlistData, line, s, item local p = {} local id_ref = {} local index = 1 local playlistID = get_url_param( vlc.path, "list" ) local videoID = get_url_param( vlc.path, "v" ) local playlistURL = "http://www.youtube.com/list_ajax?action_get_list=1&style=xml&list="..playlistID while true do playlistData = "" line = "" s = nil s = vlc.stream(playlistURL.."&index="..index) while line do playlistData = playlistData..line line = s:readline() end playlist_parsed = nil playlist_parsed = parse_xml(playlistData).root.video for i, video in ipairs(playlist_parsed) do vlc.msg.err(i.." "..video.encrypted_id.CDATA) if id_ref[video.encrypted_id.CDATA] and id_ref[video.encrypted_id.CDATA] == i then return p else id_ref[video.encrypted_id.CDATA] = i end item = nil item = {} if video.encrypted_id and video.encrypted_id.CDATA then item.path = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v="..video.encrypted_id.CDATA end if video.title and video.title.CDATA then item.title = video.title.CDATA end if video.artist and video.artist.CDATA then item.artist = video.artist.CDATA end if video.thumbnail and video.thumbnail.CDATA then item.arturl = video.thumbnail.CDATA end if video.description and video.description.CDATA then item.description = video.description.CDATA end --~ item.rating = video.rating table.insert (p, item) end if #playlist_parsed == 100 then index = index +100 else return p end end end end function parse_xml(data) local tree = {} local stack = {} local tmp = {} local tmpTag = "" local level = 0 table.insert(stack, tree) for op, tag, attr, empty, val in string.gmatch( data, "<(%p?)([^%s>/]+)([^>]-)(%/?)>[%s\r\n\t]*([^<]*)[%s\r\n\t]*") do if op=="?" then --~ DOCTYPE elseif op=="/" then if level>0 then level = level - 1 table.remove(stack) end else level = level + 1 if op=="!" then stack[level]['CDATA'] = vlc.strings.resolve_xml_special_chars( string.gsub(tag..attr, "%[CDATA%[(.+)%]%]", "%1")) attr = "" level = level - 1 elseif type(stack[level][tag]) == "nil" then stack[level][tag] = {} table.insert(stack, stack[level][tag]) else if type(stack[level][tag][1]) == "nil" then tmp = nil tmp = stack[level][tag] stack[level][tag] = nil stack[level][tag] = {} table.insert(stack[level][tag], tmp) end tmp = nil tmp = {} table.insert(stack[level][tag], tmp) table.insert(stack, tmp) end if val~="" then stack[level][tag]['CDATA'] = {} stack[level][tag]['CDATA'] = vlc.strings.resolve_xml_special_chars(val) end if attr ~= "" then stack[level][tag]['ATTR'] = {} string.gsub(attr, "(%w+)=([\"'])(.-)%2", function (name, _, value) stack[level][tag]['ATTR'][name] = value end) end if empty ~= "" then level = level - 1 table.remove(stack) end end end return tree end