ts warning: discontinuity received 0x9 instead of 0x8 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x4 instead of 0x3 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x7 instead of 0x7 (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xc instead of 0xa (pid=610) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0xa core error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0xa core error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0x7 core error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: discontinuity indicator (pid=4194) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0x3 core error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: discontinuity indicator (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x2 instead of 0x4 (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity indicator (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x5 instead of 0x5 (pid=610) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0xe core error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: discontinuity indicator (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xd instead of 0xd (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xa instead of 0x8 (pid=4194) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0x4 core error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x7 instead of 0x7 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xf instead of 0xf (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xa instead of 0xa (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x8 instead of 0x6 (pid=4194) mux_ts warning: packet with too strange dts (dts=6783116379,old=6783257712,pcr=6783257712) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x1 instead of 0x1 (pid=4194)