ts warning: discontinuity received 0x0 instead of 0xe (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xa instead of 0x8 (pid=4194) mux_ts warning: packet with too strange dts (dts=1128457458196,old=1128457458202,pcr=1128457458202) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xa instead of 0x9 (pid=610) mux_ts warning: packet with too strange dts (dts=1129248017069,old=1129248140331,pcr=1129248140331) mux_ts warning: packet with too strange dts (dts=1129279336864,old=1129279336914,pcr=1129279336914) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x0 instead of 0xf (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x5 instead of 0x5 (pid=610) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0xd main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0x9 main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0xb main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0xe main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x2 instead of 0x0 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xb instead of 0xa (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x6 instead of 0x5 (pid=4194) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0xa main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: discontinuity indicator (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x7 instead of 0x7 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x3 instead of 0x1 (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xd instead of 0xc (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x2 instead of 0x2 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x8 instead of 0x7 (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x5 instead of 0x3 (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x9 instead of 0x9 (pid=610) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0x4 main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x6 instead of 0x4 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xe instead of 0xe (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x1 instead of 0x0 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xd instead of 0xb (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x5 instead of 0x5 (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x8 instead of 0x6 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x3 instead of 0x2 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xf instead of 0xd (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x7 instead of 0x7 (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x2 instead of 0x2 (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x4 instead of 0x4 (pid=610) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0x7 main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: first packet for pid=610 cc=0x3 main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xa instead of 0xa (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x5 instead of 0x5 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x1 instead of 0x1 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xe instead of 0xc (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xe instead of 0xd (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x3 instead of 0x3 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xe instead of 0xe (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x1 instead of 0xf (pid=4194) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0xd main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0x9 main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x7 instead of 0x5 (pid=610) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0x6 main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0x6 main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0x6 main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x2 instead of 0x0 (pid=610) main warning: clock gap, unexpected stream discontinuity main warning: feeding synchro with a new reference point trying to recover from clock gap ts warning: discontinuity received 0xe instead of 0xc (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x9 instead of 0x7 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x8 instead of 0x8 (pid=4194) ts warning: first packet for pid=4194 cc=0x2 main error: cannot create packetizer output (mpga) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x0 instead of 0xe (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity indicator (pid=301) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x2 instead of 0xd (pid=301) ts warning: discontinuity indicator (pid=302) ts warning: discontinuity indicator (pid=301) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xb instead of 0x4 (pid=302) main warning: late buffer for mux input (231245) main warning: late buffer for mux input (195245) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xb instead of 0x9 (pid=610) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x1 instead of 0xf (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xa instead of 0xa (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x0 instead of 0xa (pid=401) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x5 instead of 0xe (pid=101) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xe instead of 0x6 (pid=301) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x6 instead of 0x5 (pid=201) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xc instead of 0xb (pid=403) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x7 instead of 0x6 (pid=402) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xa instead of 0x9 (pid=4194) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x8 instead of 0x2 (pid=201) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x7 instead of 0x4 (pid=401) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xb instead of 0x5 (pid=101) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x6 instead of 0x4 (pid=301) ts warning: discontinuity received 0xd instead of 0xc (pid=402) ts warning: discontinuity received 0x0 instead of 0x0 (pid=610)