-- logger module started -- core debug: VLC media player - 2.2.1 Terry Pratchett (Weatherwax) core debug: Copyright © 1996-2015 the VideoLAN team core debug: revision 2.2.1-0-ga425c42 core debug: configured with ../extras/package/win32/../../../configure '--enable-update-check' '--enable-lua' '--enable-faad' '--enable-flac' '--enable-theora' '--enable-twolame' '--enable-quicktime' '--enable-avcodec' '--enable-merge-ffmpeg' '--enable-dca' '--enable-mpc' '--enable-libass' '--enable-x264' '--enable-schroedinger' '--enable-realrtsp' '--enable-live555' '--enable-dvdread' '--enable-shout' '--enable-goom' '--enable-caca' '--disable-sdl' '--enable-qt' '--enable-skins2' '--enable-sse' '--enable-mmx' '--enable-libcddb' '--enable-zvbi' '--disable-telx' '--enable-nls' '--host=i686-w64-mingw32' '--disable-debug' 'host_alias=i686-w64-mingw32' core debug: using interface module "logger" qt4 debug: MRL passed to the Sout: http://xx.xx.xx.xxx/cgi-bin/nphMotionJpeg core debug: adding item `Streaming' ( http://xx.xx.xx.xxx/cgi-bin/nphMotionJpeg ) core debug: processing request item: Streaming, node: null, skip: 0 core debug: rebuilding array of current - root Wiedergabeliste core debug: rebuild done - 1 items, index 0 core debug: starting playback of the new playlist item core debug: resyncing on Streaming core debug: Streaming is at 0 core debug: creating new input thread core debug: Creating an input for 'Streaming' core debug: requesting art for Streaming qt4 debug: IM: Setting an input core debug: using sout chain=`transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=800,scale=Automatisch,acodec=none}:duplicate{dst=http{mux=ts,dst=:8080/},dst=display}' core debug: stream=`duplicate' core debug: looking for sout stream module matching "duplicate": 22 candidates stream_out_duplicate debug: creating 'duplicate' stream_out_duplicate debug: * adding `http{mux=ts,dst=:8080/}' core debug: stream=`http' core debug: looking for sout stream module matching "http": 22 candidates core debug: set config option: sout-standard-mux to ts core debug: set config option: sout-standard-dst to :8080/ core debug: looking for sout access module matching "http": 8 candidates core debug: meta ok for (null), need to fetch art core debug: net: listening to * port 8080 core debug: looking for meta fetcher module matching "any": 1 candidates lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Users\PKunst\AppData\Roaming\vlc\lua\meta\fetcher lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\fetcher lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\fetcher\tvrage.luac lua debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\fetcher\tvrage.luac core debug: no meta fetcher modules matched core debug: searching art for Streaming core debug: looking for art finder module matching "any": 2 candidates ccoorree ddeebbuugg:: ulsoionkging fsooru tm eatcac efsetchers mmoodduullee m"aatccluace dsesbug_: oTryuintg pLuua scritpts i_n hCt:\Users\tPKunst\AppData\Roaminpg"\vlc\lua\mheta\arti ng "any":lua debug: 1Try ing cLua scripts in C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\arta ndidates lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:l\Prougraa m Files (cx86)\oVrideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\aret \0d0_museicbbrauinz.lguac: looking for sout mux module matching "ts": 10 cdaenbduigd:a tTersy ing Lual uas cdebugr: iskipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\mepttas\ airnt\00_m usiCcbrai:nz.lu\aUcs ers\PKunstlua\ debugA: pTrying Lua playlist script C:\Progrmam Fuilxes (x86)\VipdeoLDAN\VaLC\ltua\maeta\\arRt\01_googleim_atge.lusac debug: shaping=200000 pcr=70000 dts_delay=400000 core debug: usilnuag debug : sskipping scoraimpt (unmatched oscuope) tC: \Prmogruam Files (x86i)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\01x_googlei mmageo.lduacu le "mux_luat dsebug": Trying Lua playlinsgt script \C:\vProgram lFiles c(x8\6)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\alrt\02u_freanchtv.\luacm eta\fetcher lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Proglruaa debmug : Fskiippingl script (unmatched essc opec)o rC:\Program Files ((xx86)\V8id6eoLA)N\VLC\\lua\Vmetai\artd\02_frenchtv.luace debug: luam debugu: xTreyirng Lu a splauylipst pscript oC:\Program Files (x86)\rVideoLAN\tVLC \lua\metaa\art\03_lastfm.luacd ding stream at any time core debug: muxer prefers to waitlua debugf: oskipping script (unrm atchaed scolpe) lC:\Pr ogram Files (x86)\ViEdSeoLAN\ VLC\luba\meetaf\oart\0r3_lastfm.luace oLAN\VLcoreC debug\: lnou aart \findmere modulest matcheda \fetccoreher debug: looking for meta fetcher module matching "ea nys": t1a candidartest ing to mux strealuam d_ebugo: uTrying Lua scripts inl uC:\Users\PKunst\AppData\Roaming\vlct\lua\me_ta\fetchera debuluag d:eb uTgr: yTryinig Luna scgript s in LC:u\Program Files (sx8t6)\ViadeoLAN\VLC\luaa \meta\fetchenrd ard debug: ulsuai debugn: gTrying Lu`a playlist script C:\hPtrogram Filepsl (x86)a\VideoyLAN\VLlC\lua\meita\fetchser\tvrage.luact p/ts://:8080/' core debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_standardco"re debusgt: ruseing ameta fetchert msocdule "rluai"p tcor eC debug:: \removPinrg omogdule "rluaa"m Fcorei debugl: esearschin g (art for xStre8amin6g) \Vidcoree doebugL: AlookNin\g for Vart fLinderC mo\dulel matchinug "aan\ym":e t2a candidatems_ out_duplicate debug:l ua debug*: Tryinga Lua sdcripts in \Cf:\Users\PKudnist\nAgppData\Roaminegt\vlcc\luah\metae\artr \tvraluag debeug.: lTryuing Lauac sc ripts in C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\l00_musicbrainz .`lduaics play' core debug: stream=`display' core debug: looking for sout sltrueaa debugm: Trmying Loua pdlauyllist escript mC:\Parotgram Filesu a( x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\01c_hgoiognleimage.luacd ebug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoluaL debuAgN:\ VTryinLg Lua plCaylist script gC :"\dProigram Fisles (x86)\VideoLA\N\VLCl\luua\maeta\ar\t\0m2e_frtenchtva.luac\ fetcher\tvrage.luac core debug: no meta fetcher modules mlauat debucgh:e dTrying Lu a playlistc script oC:\Progrram Filese (x 86)\VdideoLAN\VLC\lpula\metaa\art\03_lastfemb.luacu g: searching art for Streaming core debug: looking for artcore defbugi: nnod eart findery "modules matrc hedm ocdoruel debueg : marat nott found for :Streaming ching "any": 2 candidates 22 candidatlesu a debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Users\PKunst\AppData\Roaming\vlc\lua\meta\art lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\Vicdoree debugo: Lusing AsoNut stream \mVoLdule C"\stream_outl_displauy"a \mecoret debuag\: ausirng sout sttre\am m0odule "0stream_out__dupmlicate"u sicore debucg:b rstreama=`itrnanscode'z .luac core debug: looking for sout stream module matching "transcode": 22 candidates core debug: set config option:l sout-transcode-vcodec to uh2a64 decoreb deubugg:: set confsig koptiion: psout-tpranscodei-vb ton 800g sccorer debug: iset configp to ption:( usnout-tranmscode-scalae to tAutomaticschh edcore debugs: cset configo option: spout-transceode-acodec) to noneC :\Pstreram_out_traonscodeg debugr: aChecking cmodec mappi ng fFor inone got nlonee s (strxeam8_out_trans6code) debug: \codecV audio=inoned e0Hzo L0 cAhaNnnels \96Kb/sV LCstream_out\_transclodeu debug:a \Checking vmideeo ctodaec \mappiang for rh264t got \h2640 0_stmream_uout_striansccodeb drebug: acodeci video=nh264z .0x0 scalinlg: uac0 .000000 800kb/s corel debugu: aus ingd esout streabm module "ustream_outg_transcode:" Tryicoren debug: gusing time sLhuift granulaari ty opf l50 MiB, ina path 'yC:l\Users\PKist script C:\Program Files (x86)\Videuonst\LAppDAata\Local\NTemp\'V LC\lua\meta\art\01_googleimage.luac core debug: `http://xx.xx.xx.xxx/cgi-bin/nphMotionJlupae debug: gskipping sc'r ipt (gunmatched iscopve)e sC:\P rogaracm Files (xc86)\VideoLeAN\VLCs\lua\meta\sart\01_goo gleimage.l`uach ttp' demluau debuxg : `Trying Lua 'playlist s crippt aC:\tProgram Fihles (x86)\ V`ideoLAN\VL1C\lua\meta0\art\02_.frenchtv.l2uac0 .56.161/cgi-bin/nphMotionJpeg' core debug: speciluaf debiug: eskippding sc ripdt (unmatched esmcuoxp e) `C:\Programa Files (x8n6)\VideoLAyN\VLC\l'u a\meta\arct\02o_frenchtv.rluace debug: luac debugr: eTryinga Lua playltist iscript nC:\Pgrog ramd eFimlues (x86)\Vxid:eoL AN\VLC\luaa\meta\art\c03_lastcfm.luace ss='http' demux='any' location='xx.xx.xx.xxx/cgi-bin/nphMotioluan debugJ: pskeipgping s'cript ( unmfatichlede scope) =C:\Program' \F\i1les (x86)\0VideoLAN\V.LC\lua\met2a\art\003_la.stfm.luac 56.161\corec debgugi: -no barti findern module\s matched nphMotcorei debuogn: Jlookinpg feor gmeta fetche'r module matching "acnyo": 1 candidatesr e debug: lookinglua debugf: oTryinrg Luaa scriptsc icn eCs:\Users\PKsuns_t\AppData\dRoaming\vlec\lua\metam\fetcheru x modluau debugl: eTrying Lua scrimpts in aC:\Progtramc Filhes i(nx86)\VidegoLAN\VLC\l ua\meta"\fetcherh ttp": 12 candilduaa debugt: eTrying sLu a playlist sccripot rC:\Progream Files (x8 6d)\VideoLANe\VLbC\lua\metau\fetcher\tgvrage.luac: no access_demux modules matched core debug: creating access 'hctotrep debug': usilng ometa fetchcera mtodule "iluao" ncor=e' 1debug0: .removing m2odu0le ."5lua6" .1cor6e1 d/ebugc: gseiar-cbhiing arnt for/ nStrpeamihngM oticoreo debugn: Jlookingp for eart gfinder' module ma,tching " anyp": a2 candidattesh ='\\xx.xx.xx.xxx\clugai debug-:b iTrying Lua ns\cnrpipts in hC:\Users\PMKunst\oAppData\Rotaming\vlc\ilouan\meJta\paertg ' lua debugc: oTryinrg Lua scripets in dC:\Program eFbiules (x86g)\Vi:deoLA N\VLC\lua\mleta\arto oking for accelusas debug : mTrying Lua playlist script oCd:u\lPerog ram Files m(x86)\VideaoLAN\VLC\ltua\metca\art\00h_muisicnbraingz .l"uach ttp": 21 candidates http debug: querying proxy for http://xx.xx.xx.xxx/cgi-bin/nphMotionJpeg http debug: no proxy http debug: http: server='xx.xx.xx.xxx' port=80 file='/cgi-bin/nphMotionJpeg' lua debug: Trying Lua placylisto script rCe:\Program File sd (x86)\eVideoLAN\VbLC\ulua\metag\art\01_goo:gleimage.l uacn et: connecting to xx.xx.xx.xxx port 80 lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\02_frenchtv.luac lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\03_lastfm.luac core debug: no art finder modules matched core debug: art not found for Streaming core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 1524) http debug: protocol 'HTTP' answer code 200 http debug: Connection: close http debug: Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary =--myboundary core debug: using access module "http" core debug: Using stream method for AStream* core debug: starting pre-buffering core debug: received first data after 0 ms core debug: pre-buffering done 1090 bytes in 0s - 62 KiB/s core debug: looking for stream_filter module matching "any": 6 candidates core debug: no stream_filter modules matched core debug: looking for stream_filter module matching "record": 6 candidates core debug: using stream_filter module "record" core debug: creating demux: access='http' demux='any' location='xx.xx.xx.xxx/cgi-bin/nphMotionJpeg' file='\\xx.xx.xx.xxx\cgi-bin\nphMotionJpeg' core debug: looking for demux module matching "any": 66 candidates ts debug: TS module discarded (lost sync) mod debug: MOD validation failed (ext=161\cgi-bin\nphMotionJpeg) mjpeg debug: Multipart MIME detected, using separator: myboundary mjpeg debug: discard MIME header: Content-length: 209232 core debug: selecting program id=0 core debug: using demux module "mjpeg" core debug: looking for packetizer module matching "any": 23 candidates core debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_copy" core debug: starting in async mode core debug: looking for meta reader module matching "any": 2 candidates lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Users\PKunst\AppData\Roaming\vlc\lua\meta\reader lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\reader lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\reader\filename.luac core debug: no meta reader modules matched core debug: `http://xx.xx.xx.xxx/cgi-bin/nphMotionJpeg' successfully opened mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 15360 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 20480 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 25600 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 30720 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 35840 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 40960 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 46080 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 51200 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 56320 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 61440 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 66560 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 71680 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 76800 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 81920 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 87040 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 92160 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 97280 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 102400 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 107520 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 112640 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 117760 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 122880 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 128000 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 133120 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 138240 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 143360 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 148480 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 153600 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 158720 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 163840 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 168960 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 174080 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 179200 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 184320 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 189440 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 194560 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 199680 bytes of data mjpeg debug: MIME boundary not found in 204800 bytes of data core debug: Buffering 0% core debug: switching to sync mode mjpeg debug: discard MIME header: Content-length: 209367 core debug: Buffering 20% core debug: adding a new sout input (sout_input:05ac3eb8) stream_out_transcode debug: creating video transcoding from fcc=`MJPG' to fcc=`h264' core debug: looking for decoder module matching "any": 43 candidates avcodec debug: CPU flags: 0x010053db avcodec debug: trying to use direct rendering avcodec debug: allowing 4 thread(s) for decoding avcodec debug: avcodec codec (Motion JPEG Video) started core debug: using decoder module "avcodec" core debug: looking for encoder module matching "any": 21 candidates x264 debug: version x264 0.142.X x264: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX x264: profile High, level 2.0 core debug: using encoder module "x264" core debug: removing module "x264" x264 debug: framecount still in libx264 buffer: 0 x264: final ratefactor: -5.15 mjpeg debug: discard MIME header: Content-length: 209028 core debug: Buffering 39% mjpeg debug: discard MIME header: Content-length: 209040 core debug: Buffering 59% mjpeg debug: discard MIME header: Content-length: 209179 core debug: Buffering 80% mjpeg debug: discard MIME header: Content-length: 208827 core debug: Buffering 99% mjpeg debug: discard MIME header: Content-length: 209056 core debug: Stream buffering done (1199 ms in 1199 ms) core debug: Decoder wait done in 0 ms avcodec warning: plane 0 not aligned avcodec warning: disabling direct rendering stream_out_transcode debug: decoder aspect is 1.764706:1 stream_out_transcode debug: source pixel aspect is 0.992647:1 stream_out_transcode debug: scaled pixel aspect is 0.992647:1 stream_out_transcode debug: source 1920x1080, destination 1920x1080 stream_out_transcode debug: source fps 0/0, destination 25/1